There’s a new iPhone in town. It’s called the 7 and it doesn’t have a 3.5mm audio jack – which is good because I only use bluetooth headphones. So I decided to have a look at the prices, as Apple announced too that the Upgrade Program is available in the UK.
To keep it short, the Upgrade Program is a credit facility that Apple provides (with Barclays) which gives you the opportunity to change your device every 11 months, just in time for the next iPhone 7s … But the loan is for 20 months, which means that only after the 20 months instalments, the phone you get now is yours.
But the opportunity to change iPhone every 11 months is quite appealing and interesting, so I had a look at the T&C’s:
When you do the upgrade (after the first 11 instalments) you need to accept to a new 20 month contract with them, giving you the option to upgrade again in 11 months, as long you keep extending your contract for more 20 months, it’s like ad eternum contract that you do with the devil.