Month: November 2015

banking and the cloud (by Investec)

Yesterday we had one of the largest AWS User Group meetups ever in the UK at Investec, and was quite epic to be honest. We had drones, flashing hoodies…

Jira, the favourite tool of bad managers

Three days ago, Ben Hughes wrote on Medium that the use of Jira is quite often a symptom of a management problem. Which I completely agree! In my…

the credit card killed the banks

Where do we use credit cards to buy stuff ? Well, for me it’s pretty much everywhere: google play, apple store, paypal, online groceries, amazon, domains, hosting, cloud…

cloud white labeling

We all heard that Microsoft is opening an UK datacenter in 2016. Which is quite good to overcome some ‘boring’ law gaps regarding data issues. Even if data…

key management at the bank of england

The Guardian has today a piece about the Bank of England and with some pictures illustrating how it works and what’s inside. What intrigued me was their key…

the power of data

We already get Google usage reports regularly and they’re pretty much comprehensible and it’s interesting to see how we spend our time with GMail. But just now I…

cyber, cyber, cyber, security, cyber, cyber, cyber

There’s a huge security market report by Cybersecurity Ventures out just now (pdf) It’s ‘cyber’ all around, commercially sponsored (might have some bias), but never the less some interesting…

AWS; cloudy London

The cat is out! Werner Vogels on its blog today wrote about the third AWS EU datacenter, right here in the UK. “”The AWS UK region will be…

dumb pipe, smart pipe

I’ve already talked about dump pipes, which is what common network providers are. They’ve lost services to startups, apps to the app stores and capabilities to technology; GPS…

first they fight you, then you both win That was an RedHat commercial back in 2005, when they were hitting Microsoft and closed source every month with their “Truth Happens” – legendary – campaign. 10…

Hackers: Marvin Minsky

I found Marvin in the book already mentioned here, which I advise everyone to read: Hackers. One of the things I remember back then was about “the enthusiasm of…

cloud computing as renewable energy

Yesterday on twitter, Larry Carvalho was talking about the next big AWS step; on-premise availability zones. That’s interesting, but if we think of it on a broader scale; why…

2015 hype cycle

It’s that time of the year when Gartner launches their predictions and state of technology with the Hype Cycle.. Here’s some interesting notes: Hybrid Cloud Computing is half way…